Takako Noel

Takako Noelの魔術的な写真には夢の中のように精神を可視化した世界が繊細に写し出され、彼女自身の死生観が織り込まれてる。明るさと暗さ、儚さと強さ。相反するはずの様々な 要素が彼女の写真には同居しており、見る者の魂は自然と記憶想起を導かれる。
Takako Noel魔法般的摄影作品细腻地描绘了如梦似幻般将精神可视化的世界,同时将自己的生死观交织其中。光明与黑暗、脆弱与坚强。本应对立的种种要素在她的摄影中共存,自然而然地引导观者的灵魂唤醒过往的记忆。
Takako Noel was born in Tokyo in 1991. She is actively based in Mexico and Japan.
She deals with the fundamental questions of humanity like life and death, where the soul comes from, and where it goes. She has incorporated her Shamanic therapy experience in Mexico and Carl Jung’s psychotherapy to express the purification and healing process of the human psyche through photography, combining myths forgotten in modern society.
Takako Noel's photography is like sorcery, finely photographing the world that has visualized the psyche like a dream. Her photography is embedded with her philosophy on life and death. These photographs include various contrasting elements, like light and dark, and frailty and strength. The souls of those who observe these photographs naturally invoke forgotten memories.